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Are you looking for an effective way to speed up the recovery process after an injury or manage chronic pain? Discover the benefits of electrotherapy in the Health Clinic!

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Health through Electrotherapy


An electrical device generates and distributes impulses to the skin through electrodes or machine components. Thus, a low-intensity electric charge is allowed at the level of the affected (painful) area.

Electrotherapy uses electric current to obtain physiological and therapeutic effects on the human body. The human body, like other living organisms, represents a second-class conductor, at the level of which the electric charge carriers are ions.

Electric current is of two types: direct electric current and alternating electric current.

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Electrotherapy is a conservative, painless way of treatment that can be beneficial to people with pain, inflammation, circulatory disorders in tissues affected by certain pathologies, traumas.

The most common biological effects of electrotherapy are: antialgesic, ionizing, excitomotor, vasodilator, nutritive, antidematous, resorptive and neuro-vegetative.

Forms of electrotherapy: galvanic currents, low-frequency electric currents (Träbert, TENS, diadynamic, rectangular, electrostimulation), medium-frequency electric currents (interferential), high-frequency electric currents (short waves, microwaves).

General electrotherapy indications: chronic rheumatic diseases (inflammatory or degenerative), degenerative diseases of the spine and limbs, plus associated syndromes (sciatica), post-traumatic conditions, abarticular rheumatic diseases (muscles, tendons, fascia, synovium, etc.), diseases peripheral nerves (neuralgia, neuritis, polyneuritis, traumatic injuries and their sequelae), central motor neuron injuries (hemiplegia, paraplegia).

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Through TECAR therapy, we manage to stimulate the energy inside the tissues with the help of heat, with the objective of activating the body’s natural healing and recovery processes.

This therapy has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and is one of the most modern and effective non-invasive treatments today.

What does TECAR therapy consist of?

Capacitive and Resistive Energy Transfer (TECAR) is performed with a device with high-frequency currents, imperceptible to the patient, which enter the tissue and turn into heat.

The device works with the help of two electrodes and a conductive cream. A negative electrode is placed on the opposite side of the targeted anatomical area, forming a link with an active electrode, which is moved by the therapist, through circular movements, on the treated area. The sensation perceived by the patient during the therapy is pleasant, warm, similar to that of a massage. The effect is fast – from the first session, the pain is considerably reduced.

Using different frequencies, the therapist acts on superficial and deep structures. During the therapy, the body uses its own energy to activate the tissue and muscle regeneration mechanisms, resulting in healing.

This energy produces mechanical (better conduction of blood flow), chemical-biological (acceleration of the metabolism of damaged cells) and thermal (heat production) effects .

TECAR therapy can be used alone or combined with other complementary therapies or exercises. On average, a treatment of 10 sessions with daily frequency is indicated.

Biological effects:

These two main effects cause the following changes at the tissue level:

TECAR therapy is useful in the treatment of several conditions:

Also called “pain therapy”, SHOCKWAVE therapy uses shock waves to treat chronic or acute conditions of muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.

The name “pain therapy” is given by the anti-algesic effect that acts quickly, the results being visible, in some cases, even after the first session.

What is Shockwave Therapy?

A shock wave is a temporary pressure disturbance that propagates rapidly, three-dimensionally, in space.

Through the pressure it exerts on the treated tissues, the shock waves increase cellular permeability, stimulate microcirculation and cellular metabolism, collagen production, and thus stimulate healing as well as the dissolution of microcalcareous deposits in various soft tissues.

How does Shockwave therapy work?

The mode of action is determined by the fact that shock waves are sound waves with specific physical characteristics.

With an 80% success rate in eliminating chronic pain and stimulating local circulation, "pain therapy" determines:

As a result of these effects, shockwave therapy is recommended in:

What are the advantages of shock wave therapy?

Compared to conventional therapies, patients treated with Shockwave Therapy enjoy the following advantages:

Diathermia is a treatment prescribed for muscle and joint ailments. Short-wave diathermy uses a high-frequency electric current to stimulate heat generation in body tissues. Heat can increase blood flow, relieve pain, improve tissue mobility.

Short waves produce heat energy and deeply heat the affected area without causing skin damage.

The caloric effect has the following physiological benefits:

Therapeutic effects:

Short wave therapy is recommended in:

LASER is an acronym for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”.

Depending on the intensity of LASER radiation (between 100 nanometers and 2 millimeters), both the biological effects and their medical, diagnostic or therapeutic indications vary.

LASER light penetrates human tissue 8-15 mm, with absorption mainly in the first 4 mm. The initiated chemical processes can mediate physiological effects in depth, the effect being of a photochemical nature similar to photosynthesis and not thermal, of heating.

Physiological effects

The short-term effects consist of reducing the intensity of pain by stimulating the production and release of beta-endorphins and improving local blood flow, manifested by an increase in local temperature. The short-term effect is significant in 5-10% of cases, during or after the end of the initial treatment session.

The long-term or cumulative effects are given by increasing cellular energy by stimulating the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and improving cellular metabolism, faster healing of damaged tissues (through increased protein production and improved ion transfer: Na, Cl and K). Improving nerve conduction by increasing serotonin and acetylcholine levels, reducing scar tissue by increasing collagen synthesis, and increasing blood flow (formation of new blood vessels) are other long-term effects of laser therapy.

Additionally, laser therapy promotes the body’s natural healing processes, increases resistance to infection by stimulating the immune response, and facilitates lymphatic drainage, reducing edema.


Conditions treated with LASER therapy

Therapeutic indications of athermal LASER


Physiological effects

It is a therapy that uses a high-intensity laser, of high quality, in absolute safety with therapeutic action in the depth of tissues. Cumulative effects can appear immediately after the first treatment session.


All these effects are based on proven mechanisms known to have a positive effect:

Conditions treated with LASER therapy

Therapeutic indications of athermal LASER


Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation can treat painful conditions in any phase of the disease, which do not respond to other indicated therapeutic methods (pharmacological, electrical), or which constitute contradictions to other physical therapeutic means.
Interferential currents have a stimulating action on the skeletal muscles, stimulating effect on hypotonic smooth muscles, analgesic action, vasomotor action with a hyperemic effect, decontracting-myorelaxant, trophic effects. They have a multitude of physiological actions that explain and motivate therapeutic indications.
With Trabert currents, a genuine electro-massage is achieved through powerful vibrations of the muscle masses.

Diadynamic currents are indicated in locomotor disorders, post-traumatic conditions, rheumatic diseases, peripheral circulatory disorders.

Galvanic currents are indicated in algic processes, various traumatic and post-traumatic conditions, peripheral arterial circulatory disorders and in hemiplegia. They are applied with electrodes and have analgesic, vasodilator, myorelaxant, elasticizing and sedative effects.

Physiological effect of therapeutic ultrasound (thermal and non-thermal)

Thermal effect – the heating effect in deep tissues is the most important biological effect, promoting the healing of deep tissue injuries by improving blood circulation in the affected region.

Mechanical Effect – vibration produced by the device is transmitted from near to near, thus moving the molecules with a frequency given by the transmitter of the device.

Cavitation effect, Diffusion effect – increasing cell membrane permeability.

Benefits of ultrasound

Antalgic effect – produced by thermal energy released and absorbed by ganglia and nerve endings, thus inhibiting pain.

Metabolic effect – is probably the most extensive component of ultrasound therapy.

Myorelaxant effect – occurs by reducing muscle spasms.

Bone restoration effect – at low doses, the formation of young bone cells is induced with a beneficial role in fractures, bone fissures or other osteo-articular pathologies such as synovitis, osteo-tendinitis.

The benefits of ultrasound therapy

Common injuries and conditions treated with ultrasound therapy

Magnetotherapy (magnetic field therapy) is a method of treating inflammatory conditions and reducing associated pain, through the action of a pulsating or static magnetic field on different parts of the body. Electromagnetic fields are generated by low-frequency currents (50 Hz or 100 Hz).

How does magnetotherapy work?

A magnetic field penetrates the tissues, allowing the immune system function and healing capabilities to be enhanced the organism. The benefits of magnetotherapy are: decreasing joint and periarticular inflammation, decreasing muscle contractions, relieving pain, increasing joint mobility, improving cellular and vascular permeability, activating blood circulation, increasing resistance to pain stimuli.

Magnetotherapy can be applied in continuous form, having a sedative effect, or in interrupted form, rhythmically or without any rhythm, having a general stimulating effect.

The benefits of magnetotherapy

Therapeutic indications

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